My Reading List, The Books

#TopTenTuesday – Poolside Reading

  So I've stumbled across this thing called a "writing meme" - I can't find a definition or a site that compiles a list of them in one place. But, they are essentially trending writing prompts.  The first one I found, while perusing other writerly blogs, was Top Ten Tuesdays, hosted by That Artsy Reader… Continue reading #TopTenTuesday – Poolside Reading

My Reading List, The Books

Over a Month Spent on “12 Years…”

"'There are monkeys among white people as well as black, when you come to that,' coolly remarked Bass.  'I know some white men that use arguments no sensible monkey would.  But let that pass.  These niggers are human beings.  If they don't know as much as their masters, who fault is it?  They are not… Continue reading Over a Month Spent on “12 Years…”

The Books

Not Another Sports Story

"Life owes me nothing.  Baseball owes me nothing.  But I cannot, as an individual, rejoice in the good things I have been permitted to work for and learn while the humblest of my brothers is down in a deep hole hollering for help and not being heard.  That is why I have devoted and dedicated… Continue reading Not Another Sports Story

My Reading List

My Self-Guided Afro-American Studies Reading List

I recently asked my Facebook friends to help me compile a list of books to read for further learning of Afro-American Studies.  Although I minored in it in college, there is still so much that I do not know.  For instance, although I know the names Marcus Garvey, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, etc., and have… Continue reading My Self-Guided Afro-American Studies Reading List

My Reading List

The Wish List Pt. I

A self-professed bibliophile, I devour books.  I am constantly making mental lists of books to read -- eventually.  I am almost always purchasing new books, often before procuring and reading the books on my list. There's not much method to my book selection process.  I typically don't read book reviews beforehand.  Sometimes, all it takes… Continue reading The Wish List Pt. I